History Of District Loans

PINE-STRAWBERRY WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District (District) was established by the Gila County Board of Supervisors under Resolution 96-011954 July 6, 1996, under Arizona Revised Statutes 48-903. In the Satisfaction of Judgement in...

USDA CIP Report – 2024-01

   PSWID USDA CIP Program FY21 thru FY26     Fiscal Year to Date Thru June 2024                               Approved  Project Budget                     PSWID USDA CIP PROGRAM FY21 THRU FY26   Approved Budget Changes Approved Revised Budget Total Costs to Date FY...

PSWID Meeting Agenda – 2024-02-22

​Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District (“PSWID”) Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431 through 38-431.09, notice is hereby given to the members of the PSWID Board of Directors, members of the District, and the general public that the District will hold a REGULAR MEETING and...