Board of Directors

Cory Ellsworth
[email protected]
Cory Ellsworth, a native Arizonan, is a retired international finance business executive. His career spanned 35 years and included CFO roles in Europe (London), Asia (Hong Kong), and North America (Toronto) with large companies NCR, AT&T, and Cisco. Cory is also an author and stage musical creator. He has written a dozen books including biographies, essays, and fiction, and has created two musicals.

Teresa Hasenwinkel
Vice Chairman
[email protected]

Sharon Hillman
Phone – 602.819.7822
Strawberry, Arizona 85544
[email protected]
January 2017 – Appointed to the Board of Directors for the Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District and voted to the office of Treasurer.
I held this position until June 1, 2021, when I resigned to become the District’s Finance Manager. I held that position until June 23rd, 2022, when I was appointed to the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy until December 2022. I ran for re-election and was appointed for the next term from January 2023 through December 2026.
In the summer of 2017, the District Manager, Chairman and I met with WIFA regarding securing financing for the District’s failing infrastructure. We secured an $8M funding with $500,000 forgivable principal. We completed the final project and closed out the funding as of June 30, 2022. I managed all the funding and reporting for this program. The completed project listing is on the District’s website at
In May 2019, the Board gave approval for me to begin the process of preparing an application for funding with USDA. I started by getting a Dun & Bradstreet number and then a SAM number. With these in place, I was able to get access to the RD Apply application. I completed all the required documents and uploaded all the financial reports for the District which I kept updating on a quarterly and annual basis. In August of 2020, I was contacted by our USDA representative to say they wanted to process our $25M application prior to their fiscal year end of September 2020. The Board agreed to proceed, and I completed the rest of the electronic documents necessary to submit the application with her assistance. The District received funding in the amount of $25,036,500 with $1,009,500 in grant funds. The PER and EA reports for this funding are on the District’s website at Since RD requires interim financing, I applied for and received 2 loans with WIFA to meet this requirement.
As Treasurer, I also oversee all the District finances including the annual audits as well as preparing the monthly Treasurer Reports for the Board of Directors and public access on the website.
February 29, 2012 – Retired from Contractors West Inc. in Mesa, AZ to Strawberry, Arizona September 1996 to February 2012
Contractors West Inc. I was controller for this highway electrical and signing contractor. Responsibilities included but not limited to all accounting, finance, and auditing for the company with up to as many as 135 employees over the span of 16 years. Shortly after obtaining this position, the company installed a new computer network, and I became the network administrator as well since I had over 12 years’ experience with computers and networks. The Company collaborated with General Contractors all over the state to provide installation services of all electrical and signage on Arizona highways. The majority of these projects were federally funded so at one time, the company had as many as 6-8 projects spanning a period of one to three years. The payrolls were weekly and processed in house including the job cost and Davis Bacon required certified payrolls. I worked directly for the Owners of the Company as well as all the audit firms. The last 3 years I trained my replacement so when I retired, she took over my position.

Roger Childers
[email protected]
Graduated from Florida International University with a BS in Industrial Arts Technology. Graduated from Arizona State University with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Worked for 34 years in the electronics/semiconductor industry in various technical, marketing and sales leadership positions. Also taught school in science and math for 8 years. Roger is semi-retired and moved to Pine in 2017 to be closer to his family. He felt a concern for the water situation in Pine/Strawberry and joined the PSWID Board of Supervisors in 2020 to help ensure that the community would have a viable source of water for years to come.

Brent Pruett

Beth Pierson
Board Member
[email protected]
Beth Pierson has lived in Arizona since 1984 and bought a home in Pine in 2015. Beth retired over a decade ago from corporate life as a CEO of a real estate franchise. Before that her and her husband owned a small business. Over the years she and her husband have traveled extensively and love new adventures, especially around water activities like kayaking and fly fishing.

David Diggs
Board Member
[email protected]
Contact Info:
6306 W. Hardscrabble Mesa Rd, Pine, AZ 85544 PHONE (928) 476-4222 FAX (928) 472-4224
MAILING: PO Box 134, Pine, AZ 85544
ADEQ ID AZ0404034