Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District (“PSWID”)
Community Relations Committee Meeting
Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. at the
Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District Administration Building
6306 W. Hardscrabble Mesa Rd., Pine, Arizona 85544
- Victor Tayao called the meeting to order at 430PM.
- Conducted by Victor Tayao. Committee members present on site: Victor Tayao, Beth Pierson. Committee members present via GoTo meeting: Milo Lebaron, Rebecca Hidalgo-Rains, Cory Ellsworth. A quorum was present. Steve Wene, the district’s attorney was also present via GoTo meeting.
- Discussion and Possible Recommendations on the following matters:
- Victor Tayao took on the role of taking minutes for this meeting as no other committee member is able to take on the role of Secretary. Future assistance from the Admin staff will be requested.
- Ratification of Committee Mission and scope
- Motion to approve the Committee Mission was moved by Milo Lebaron and seconded by Rebecca Hidalgo-Rains. The motion carried unanimously.
- Mission: Develop a meaningful relationship between PSWID and the community it serves
- Goals
- Provide open communication channels between the board, and the community within the Open Meeting Rules
- Provide ways to exchange ideas and comments that can be elevated to the board and its chairman
- Provide ways that district information and announcements can be more easily and readily available to the community via the PSWID website and social media channelsProvide ways to continue and improve transparency of board and district business
- Scope
- Elevate community concerns and ideas to the board and its chairman
- Enhance PSWID website and social media communications
- Solicit and respond to community concerns and ideas
- Committee to formally communicate as a group and not through individual or social media postings
- Committee is not organized to target individuals but to act for the benefit of the community through its communications with the board
- Motion to approve the Committee Mission was moved by Milo Lebaron and seconded by Rebecca Hidalgo-Rains. The motion carried unanimously.
- Web Site Navigation and Content Changes
- Victor Tayao provided an update to web site improvements. In addition to the 2 items below, upcoming improvements will also include a “Latest Updates” link to access posting from the most recent to the oldest. A Search function is also now available.
- Improved access to board meeting agendas and minutes with Search capability
- FAQs
- Online Open Comment Form
- Victor Tayao provided an update that this function is now available on the web site. It will have the same rules as the printed “Blue Form.”
- Discuss communication plans for the committee and other critical district
communications- All members acknowledged that all modes of posted and electronic communication were working except for email for some members. Email communication is requested to be checked.
- For the upcoming modification to the moratorium, Rebecca Hidalgo-Rains moved that the option of a deposit, equal to up to the amount of the connection fee, be considered by the board, in lieu of a building permit. The deposit would be required to receive a Letter of Intent to Serve. Beth Pierson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
- Upcoming rate change notification
- Upcoming modification to the moratorium
- Public Notification of district field work and meetings to include email, PSWID FB page, and flyers (as appropriate).
- All members acknowledged the aforementioned methods were working. Beth Pierson recommended that text messages also be considered by the field and project staff.
- Request information for methods for the removal of a Board Member based on existing rules and regulations, including how impeachable offenses, as determined by the board, are handled in-house, and by a majority vote of the Board.
- Steve Wene was asked to provide comments on the request. Steve replied that the only statute that he is aware of is the removal of a member by the board, for lack of attendance, but he also said that the board can consider this request as part of its rules and regulations. Beth Pierson moved that this request be researched and considered by the board to avoid costly recalls. Rebecca Hidalgo-Rains seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
- Request that when a new board member is selected, have a public bio on the website, giving some background and picture, and inform the community how many applicants expressed interest for the position. Additional request to enable the community to be aware of the need for board members on social media for more applicants.
- Victor Tayao provided an update that board member photos and bios are already being requested and developed for the web site.
- Request to publicly give updates on community-gathered issues provided to the PSWID attorney.
- Steve Wene provided an update and informed the members that his report, findings, and any recommended action will be provided to the public very soon, likely at the next regular board meeting.
- Request to provide dashboards and FAQs for water projects and finance related information that the public can view. Anything that educates the community is highly welcomed.
- Victor Tayao shared that dashboards for the Cool Pines project and other USDA projects are now available on the site. A dashboard for financial status is also being developed.
- Request to place bios of staff with pictures on website and identify their responsibilities.
- Motion to request that staff photo and role be provided at the site was called by Beth Pierson. Rebecca Hidalgo-Rains seconded. Motion was carried unanimously.
- Any staff member can refuse that their photo and role be not included if they elect this option.
- The following agenda items were identified for the next meeting:
- Discuss an FAQ for getting service as part of the Modification to the Moratorium.
- Discuss an update to the request for public records to include email delivery and defined roles and turnaround times.
- Discuss a link on the web site to send a General Concern to Customer Service.
- The following agenda items were identified for the next meeting:
- Milo Lebaron motioned for the meeting to be adjourned. Rebecca Hidalgo-Rains seconded the motion, and the motion was carried unanimously.