
FAQ for the Modification of the Moratorium

What is Modification to the Moratorium?

On August 24, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District (PSWID) voted to modify the moratorium to allow a limited release of 5 water meters per month for residential use starting September 1, 2023.

The modification will be monitored monthly and subject to any changes to supply and demand. Demand can be changed based on water usage, leaks, and unforeseen system distribution issues. Supply can be influenced by well and booster pump performance, water storage maintenance, other major maintenance, and unforeseen well supply issues.

The service wait list which contains around 165 meters as of August 24, 2023, shall be the basis for the application and release of meters. Any additions to the list as of this date will be placed at the end of the list.

The modification will also be formally reviewed after 60 meters have been released and installed or in September 2024.

How are the meters being released?

In the order the applications were received

Are application forms and fees required for meters to be released?

Yes. Installation fees are required to be fully paid prior to the schedule of the service connection.

Installation fees are honored for rates based on the date the meter application is received.  Applicants for the service wait list prior to June 30, 2022, are $3400.00 and $10,250 for applications received beginning July 1, 2022. Additional fees may apply based on service location.

How long will it take to install a meter?

While it may take a shorter time, the District allows for up to 120 business days after a service order is created, and fees fully paid for service to be activated. This is subject to the readiness of the site and any prior construction or road work that may be needed.

How do I know where I am on the Service Wait List?

The applicant can contact the office to verify placement on the service wait list.

How many physical meters are in inventory at the district office?

The District has an adequate supply of meters on hand at this time.

How long do I have to confirm my meter installation?

Once contacted by the District that you are up for a meter installation, you have 30 days to secure payment.

When will the meters be offered for installation?

The first 5 meters will be offered beginning September 1, 2023, subject to prior confirmed commitment, and then each subsequent batch of 5 meters will be offered after a review of water data the first week of each following month.

What is the Third Party Confirmed Prior Commitment Agreement?

In 2010, the District agreed to provide water meters at no cost to a third party, as part of a deep well purchase. To date, the third party can demand the installation of 33 residential meters and 1 commercial meter. If demanded, these meters will take precedence over the service wait list. It should be noted that the third party has not demanded these remaining meters. The District will communicate with the third party as to their continued interest in the remaining water meters as part of the agreement.

What is the biggest factor in the further release of water meters after the first 60 meters or after September 2024?

The biggest factors to release water meters will be the completion of the new deep well and water storage tanks at SV3 by the fall of 2024 as well as, the continued optimal operation of the existing wells, pumps, and water storage tanks.